Cross-Platform Mobile App Development: Definition & Benefits

The usage of mobile devices through our daily routine is growing day by day and mobile applications are becoming more and more popular, not only among individuals but also among companies, which are trying to reach a wider audience of customers and interact with them more efficiently.

We can safely say that the business strategy plan of almost any modern company involves building a mobile application. But how can a company choose the best strategy for developing their mobile app?

Considering that one of their highest priorities is to reach a wide audience of customers, companies should be targeting to have their app available in both Android and iOS devices, since they are the major players with 99% of the total market share. To achive that companies have two options:

  1. Develop separate Native mobile apps for each platform
  2. Develop a single Cross-Platform mobile app that will be available to all platforms

Through this article we are going to be examining and justifying why a company should consider the Cross-Platform option over the native-apps option

What is a Cross-Platform Mobile App?

Cross-Platform mobile apps are mobile applications which are development with a single code base and function in the same or almost similar way on every operating system, providing a native like experience to its users.

Benefits of developing a Cross-Platform Mobile App

#1 Reduced Cost

Cross-Platform mobile apps are developed with a single code base, meaning that organizations don’t have to assemble a different team for each platform and develop different code for each platform. In that way mobile app development becomes less expensive and more efficient

#2 Time to Market

The process of developing, testing, deploying and publishing a Cross-Platform mobile app takes much less time than it takes to do the same with Native mobile apps. This is mainly due to the fact that a single code base is used, i.e. a singe product is developed, but also to the Cross-Platform frameworks which can be used, such as React Native and Flutter, that can really shorten the overall time to market.

#3 Uniformity

In other words, users can interact with a mobile application, on different platforms, in exactly the same way, although they will still be using the native components of each platform.  

In that way the experience of using a Cross-Platform application is uniformed, consistent with your brand image and coherent with the native features of the platform that operates the app.  

#4 Efficient support and maintenance

Cross-Platform mobile apps are efficient when it comes to support and maintenance. Bug fixes and minor enhancements can be fixed by a single support team and they can be pushed to all platforms in one go, without any extra effort

#5 Broader market reach

Cross-platform mobile applications can be pushed to all platforms in one go, without any additional development effort or cost.

Having your mobile application available on both Android and iOS devices will allow you to reach a wider audience and become potentially more profitable, since Android and iOS hold 99% of the total market share.

Let’s break some digital barriers together

Withindigits has a lot of experience on delivering high quality Cross-Platform Mobile Applications. We would be extremely excited to work on our next project with you.  If you are ready to take your business one step further and enjoy all the benefits listed above, then all you have to do is reach out to us!


Tell us a little bit about your business and your vison for your next project, and we will get back to you with some great ideas on how to turn it into a reality